Well, everyone has dreams. I am not talking about those dreams that lack logic that you get while you are asleep.
If you are interested to know about those kind of dreams, there’s a video. I’ll share the link to it in the description below.
Now, let’s talk about some real dreams! Dreams that are related to your life, business, career, to your passion, relationships, and so on.
Have you come across the term “unrealistic” dream? Of course I think you do.
Whenever you have a dream from your inside, a dream that you are so passionate about, you are most likely to hear this comment, “unrealistic”.
I personally think that realistic dreams are boring.
So when you come up with that big, unrealistic dream, that’s when your life, or business or whatever it is becomes interesting.
Now let’s see how you can pursue that unrealistic dream of yours and actually achieve it.
#1 Believe in yourself

When your dream is big enough to be called unrealistic, all you need is self belief.
If you lack that, chances are that you are not gonna pursue your dream beyond a point.
You will find yourself giving very many excuses for not pursuing that dream.
Why, because you don’t believe in yourself in the first place.
Self belief is so powerful that it can fuel you and propel you in the right direction.
And when you lack that you won’t be able to move forward in the right direction.
#2 Eliminate negativity
Naysayers are everywhere. When you propose your dream, you can instantly expect rejection.
Or a negative comment. Or a destructive criticism.
It’s so easy for most people to spread negativity.
What you should do is to identify any negative vibe, as it starts, and eliminate it right away.
For instance, if you have a colleague or a neighbour who is constantly giving you negative comments, make sure you stop talking to that person about your dreams or plans.
It is much better reduce the time you spend with these kind of people so you stop getting negativity any near you.
The naysayers and negative commenters can also be on social media. So watch out.
#3 Build a positive community

Now that you have eliminated negativity from your surroundings, it is time for you to build a positive community.
Reach out to people you can be supportive to you of your dream.
These people can be your family, friends, neighbours, or people in social media.
And by “being supportive of your dream” I don’t mean anyone to do it for you, or do it with or help you in anyway – while those can be appreciated of course.
What I mean is a simple word of appreciation can go a long way. Any moral support is quite important too.
So identify people who provide you with such positive vibes and talk about your dreams and plans with them mostly.
And that takes us to the next point…
#4 Develop an action plan

To talk about your plan, you gotta have one!
A dream without a plan is just a dream. You cannot achieve a dream without a plan.
No matter how unrealistic your dream seems to the others, you are already believing it right?
And, you really want to achieve it. If then, you really have to roll up your sleeves and write down that game plan.
It doesn’t have to be a complicated sketch with multiple layers. It can be a very simple outline.
In fact, the simpler it is, the easier it will be for you to execute that action plan.
#5 Get into action
This is THE most important bit in pursuing your dream.
A dream without action is just a wish.
Taking action is where most people lack moving forward.
Having a dream, believing it and even making an action plan to pursue the dream are relatively easier than taking action for most people.
I have a dedicated video where I talk about how to get to action when you have an action plan.
I will leave a link to the video in the description below or you can click on the card above.
But here’s the thing – you can stand there and think about all the what ifs and buts. However, you must realize that only action will help you achieve your dream.
Action also helps you with identifying what works and what doesn’t. You can learn a lot by taking actions.
It is so powerful, because you are putting yourself right there in reality, you are doing some realistic action and then you are learning the real life struggles.
Not the challenges or struggles you read in theory but the practical struggles or challenges that occur in real for your particular situation.
And that’s called action based learning.
Which won’t happen if you don’t take any action and just keep thinking.
So to wrap up, you can and you should pursue your unrealistic dreams no matter what others tell you.
I personally feel that life would be a lot boring and meaningless without having such dreams or goals.
I don’t know what I would do if I don’t have any such goals in life.
These unrealistic, big dreams that you have give meaning to your life and make your life interesting!
So go get your dreams – and don’t stop!
I completely agree with your opinion, I try my best to follow this but if your near and dear one is negative person it becomes really difficult to avoid him
Hey Jane,
Here after a long time and like always loved your post. I do missed reading your posts as I was busy with one of my new projects, but will be regular from now on.
Keep up the good work.
~ Donna
Thanks for sharing this informative post with us.
Thanks for the great motivational post! I really needed that, just recently I’ve started my new online business, and as you can probably imagine, not everything goes as smoothly as I dreamed of, so I love reading these kinds of posts for the extra motivation!