Well, you probably know my story. I started with a multi-niche blog.
And I could not make it successful in terms of conversion. Even though I got a lot of traffic, I was unable to serve and convert to that multi-niche audience.
I was having audience interested in relationships, blogging, technology and health since I was writing about all these on one website.
I seriously couldn’t imagine doing that now! I am not sure how I did it back then.
Anyway, since I was unable to cope I dissolved that website.
Unable to cope?
Yes. On a single website when I wrote about all things under the sun. So I was attracting audience that were interested in different topics.
[clickToTweet tweet=”Is it possible to be multi passionate in your business?” quote=”Is it possible to be multi passionate in your business?”]I was collecting emails. But when I had to send a relationship related email, people interested in technology and blogging were also receiving that email.
Of course I could segment the list. But I also had to segment people while I collected the list.
I had to use separate campaigns. That was somewhat manageable.
But on my website, when someone came looking for a health related article, they were presented with all the other things as well.
I was confusing my readers as well as myself.
That’s what I meant by “unable to cope”.
So does this mean you cannot have multiple passions?
Well, I was always told that I should be super focused on one topic/niche and go deeper in that one topic.
I was always told that being a jack of all things is a failure formula.
And so, I was too afraid to be multi passionate, even though that was my nature.
I dissolved my original multi-niche blog and decided to focus only on blogging/entrepreneurship/business niche.
But something was really not right.
While I was really interested in writing about business and blogging, I also wanted to do something about my passions for health, beauty, fitness tips, technology and website design.
So I decided to start multiple websites.
If I write about all things in one website, I confuse myself and I confuse my readers.
My promotional strategies are seriously hit as well.
But if I start a dedicated website for each of my passions, things will be much more clear, right?
I thought so.
The pros and cons of running multiple websites/businesses
When I said I started a website for each of my passion, I did not start them to mere write about my passions.
I only started websites where I had a chance to start a business. I already decided what my business was – with each of those new ventures – and then started those websites.
If it were to just write about my passions, people would not care. And over the time, my passions would have faded too.
[clickToTweet tweet=”You have to consider the pros and cons of being multi-passionate in a business!” quote=”You have to consider the pros and cons of being multi-passionate in a business!”]Multiple sources of income
Having multiple businesses will act as multiple sources of income. Here I am assuming that you are actually starting a website that represents a business and not just a hobby blog.
And with multiple passions, the business will be varied, so is the income nature.
For instance, my web design and hosting business is represented by Best Hosting and Design and the income from that source is partly active and partly passive.
With design projects we will have to work individually with clients and get paid for the work we did.
With other services like website maintenance, website transfer and the like, it is the same case. The income is active. We do the work and get paid.
On the other hand, with our web hosting projects, we sell the server space once and get paid for it on a recurring basis – of course, we handle occasional technical issues, downtimes, and maintenance – but for the major part, the income is passive.
Here at janesheeba.com, my income is mostly passive. I create and sell online courses for which I do the creation work once and then I make money every time a sale is made.
On the other hand, with my health and wellness website – slickwellness.com and on my technology website – techbuzzonline.com most of the income – or I should say – all of the income is passive.
Mostly advertising and affiliate income.
In any business I strongly recommend my clients to have multiple income streams.
If you rely too much on one income stream and if anything goes wrong with that income stream, you will get a big hit.
In order to avoid such a situation and to maintain a financial stability in your business, you should have multiple and diverse income streams.
So if you are multi-passionate and can build a business out of each of your passions, you should take that route since it can turn out to be profitable.
Keeping it fresh
This is purely my personal opinion. And I am sure you would have experienced the same at least at some point in your blogging career.
It hits you at strange times. Even when you are thinking that you are ultra passionate about whatever you are blogging on, you could still be hit by boredom at times.
At those times, if you could work on different topics, it keeps you fresh.
I personally find that I don’t suffer from boredom when I constantly switch between creating and promoting different types of content on different topics.
It helps keep my thoughts fresh as I constantly create content on different topics.
Overwhelmed, burned out, couldn’t find the time
This is a very reasonable struggle that you’ll come across if you are going to manage multiple businesses.
Even though in cases where I said, all the income is passive, you still have to do some basic things to keep those websites afloat.
Content creation and promotion being the most important aspects here.
And creating content for a bunch of websites, all by yourself, isn’t fun. It takes a lot of work. And then comes promotion.
So if you are having a full time job and if you are running your business part time, I wouldn’t advise you to start multiple businesses at once.
You should wait until you get to business full time and to a point where you have enough income to outsource many tasks with your business.
Outsourcing is a highly crucial aspect in any business. Initial when you start out you might be doing everything yourself.
Outsourcing costs money but frees up your time.
So when your business starts to grow, you should set aside some budget for outsourcing tedious tasks in your business.
Remember growing your business is not just about increasing your income. It is also about expanding.
So when you expand your business you cannot do it all by yourself, you certainly need additional hands.
Apart from outsourcing, you need self discipline and time management skills to manage your time effectively.
Additional financial stress
While starting multiple businesses will help you with increasing your income, you also have to spend money to keep those businesses running.
So I wouldn’t advice you to start additional businesses before your initial/first business start making a steady stream of income.
Additionally, if you already have a 9-5 job, you could save some money from that source for starting additional businesses when you quit.
So please be aware that multiple businesses not only mean more income, it also means more investment and running expenses.
Just prepare yourself.
Are you multi-passionate? What do you think you are going to do about it?
I would like to know from you. In my case, I am multi-passionate.
I also find it personally profitable – both in terms of money and in a personal sense.
I rarely get bored with my business. And I rarely get hit by the so-called writers block.
This is because I blog on different niches.
But remember it took me lots of trial and errors and lots of time to understand how this thing actually works.
I even thought at one point that I should not have started more than one businesses because it was so hard to cope – just because I was doing it the wrong way!
But once you have clarity, yes you can be multi-passionate.
My verdict: Yes you can be multi-passionate. But don’t start everything all at once. You need to start with one passion, dominate your niche, build a successful business and then slowly you should expand!
What are your thoughts? Please share in the comments below!
Definitely doable, and a great way to keep from getting bored… or more deeply, unfulfilled. I find myself feeling terrible if I stay focused on any one thing too long.
Problogger Darren Rowse was at one time writing 7 or 8 blogs — not sure if he still is, but I know he’s doing at least 2 or 3.
Thanks for speaking up for those of us who are “multi-passionate”.
Hey Scott,
You are just like me! I just cannot be focused on only one project at a time. Although I hate multi-tasking at micro level, I still love to work on various projects simultaneously.
A great escape from boredom for sure.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts 🙂 Have a great week!
Hi jane,
I think working on a single niche is far better than working on multi-niche sites. Because Focusing a single niche make it easy and work better.
Although enjoyed reading your post.
Thanks for sharing.
Hello Jane,
Your story is really inspiring, I think I’m going to try this and I believe it will work for me.
Although I know it’s not easy to be multi-passionate but it is doable and more fulfilling.
Really, simple and great post, I like author’s writing skills. The article is well described and useful for everyone, keep writing articles like this. Thanks janesheeba
Hi janesheeba,
Yes you can’t get bored if your are working on multi nich project and this the main benefit.
If your are getting bored on your project then it will refelect in the success of the project.
Great post, Well, to be honest, the same thing was tickling my mind since a while now to be multi-passionate in business. Some I feels like I need to focus on 2 to 3 businesses at the same time.
Your tips are really helpful.
I think it is not easy to maintain multiple blogs unless you have a team.Ty for sharing this post Jane…
Very solid advice, in my opinion. I create blogs and websites for people and I have found that for them to maintain the back end of the site (update plugins, themes, security), monitor comments, and create and Promote blog posts is too much work for the average person whether they have a 9 to 5pm job or not. It’s just a lot of work and effort. So creating 2 or more blogs is definitely too much for most people. However, having one blog with every favorite topic does not refine your target audience. If you must do 2 blogs, then make sure you have one that is up and running and successful first, as you have done. Thanks for sharing!
~ Jupiter Jim
The slow expansion note works best Jane. I could not do multi p 😉 because I moved fast. I enjoy moving quickly, even as I’m mindful. I feel if you love your niches you attract more folks from each niche who love you back. Like an abundant reflection. Even if some tune you out if you skip their passion for the day they come back for their fix because they dig you and your passion. Nice post 😉
If you ask me then I will say Yes, working on multiple niches are good. But as a beginner, one should focus on a single niche and then develop slowly.
Thank you so much for this article, it is pretty interesting.
Hello Jane,
You have put the facts, as of my personal experience, i had reduce writing because of boredom and now, i have another different niche blog that keep me active by switching the niche.
Hello Jane,
To me, I think focusing on one target audience is more doable. That does not mean focusing on multiple target audience is not.
And I’m sure with your approach of creating multiple platforms to target multiple audience will definitely help those with multiple passions.
Who knows…I might end up having multiple passions….smiling
Thanks for the valuable advice.
Hi Jane,
Your story is really inspiring, I think I’m going to try this and I believe it will work for me.
Although I know it’s not easy to be multi-passionate but it is doable and more fulfilling.
Great article Janesheeba. It’s such a confusing and frustrating place to be when the vision is missing. Thank you for making it a little easier.
Great Idea Janesheeba to make it look so simple, i love your idea of keeping it fresh, Thanks 🙂
I completely agree with you. Like every business, online business too have some risks and to be on safe side and to have financial stability, we have to have multiple businesses. You have very nicely comprehended your story and it was worth reading. Thank you for the information.
Hello Jane,
In my opinion, everything is doable if you want to do it and have passion. I am personally maintaining many blogs of mine and many of clients alone. So being multi-passionate totally depends on you and your willingness.
wow article thanks for sharing with us. me too fail run a multi neach a lot of article need for this website in comparison of simple on topic or category.
Hi Jane,
Having multiple niche works good when we have time to manage all business.If we want to have successful business then we should not only work on one business even we can start more to get more income.
Hi Jane, awesome post really. I started off in a similar situation, with a blog many years back that focused on blogging, online business, ecommerce, social media, SEO, self-improvements, you name it I was writing about it.
Like what you experienced, I had the traffic and my list was growing, but my conversions in comparison, was pretty poor.
I decided, amongst other reasons, to start over with a new blog and focus on just blogging, online business and web design. Three things that I was passionate about, and the outcome of course has been completely different.
I was able to cater for just a small handful of folks with specific interests and ideas, and convert more of my readers and visitors into clients.
However I do have passions in other topics. I’ve only started one other site in parenting / fatherhood which has been a small success, and created a nice additional side income, but I’m afraid of starting too many niche sites simply because of time and resources.
At the moment it’s just not possible for me to start another niche site, though I would love to. Being a work at home dad of two, serving clients with web projects and taking care of my blog takes up all of my time, which I’m sure you can relate to as well.
I am thinking of outsourcing blog writing, which could help free up some of my time, who knows.
Anyway, great post Jane, keep up the awesome work – Fabrizio
My story is exactly like yours. I started a site about making money online, then it’s getting complicated as I added more and more content I felt interesting enough to write.
It takes a lot of effort to keep the site fresh, and yes, email marketing is a pain.
I let the site die, and now I”m planning of starting another blog, but more focused approach.
Hi jane,
Your each and every post give me the inspiration to work on online without a rest. Thanks for sharing the post.
Hello Jane,
Being, multi-passionate in business is good in my opinion because one should not keep his/her passion in one thing, otherwise one will feel bored. Thank you for sharing such an important topic for discussion.
Thank you.
Informative article as always, I think focussing on a single attribute will give us more potential to achieve success. Some times we have several business dreams, it depends on certain factors like time, resources and business situation. A person who have this all in his favour can go for his multiple Goals.
Thank You for Sharing!
I am extremely multi-passionate. I, too, started with a very broad niche, but then I brought it down to “freelancing/working from home opportunities.”
This allows me to keep it broad enough, but it only applies to freelancers/self-employed enthusiasts. The sky is the limit here: Talk about blogging, talk about writing, talk about driving for Uber, talk about selling items on Craigslist, you name it. As long as it helps you make money while self-employed.
Sometimes i wonder if it’s still TOO broad, but thats a topic for another time, i suppose.
Been looking for blog posts like this. Informative and very precise. Hope more blogs are like this. Not just posting blogs for the sake of posting with no essence. Thanks for this mate.
Hello Jane,
Your story is really inspiring, I think I’m going to try this and I believe it will work for me.
Although I know it’s not easy to be multi-passionate but it is doable and more fulfilling.
Hey Jane,
That is a very good read, In addition to this blog I also follow TechBuzzOnline. Coming to the topic, I completely agree with you, one should be multi-passionate in business. We never know when we can face loss in a business but if you have multiple sources then you can save yourself. It is better to earn 1 dollar from 100 different sources rather than depending on a single site which earns you 100 dollars. Thanks for the post.
Hi Jane,,.
wow article thanks for sharing with us. me too fail run a multi neach a lot of article need for this website in comparison of simple on topic or category.
Definitely but most people, they have many things that they’re passionate about and focus is very important.
Yes, I very much agree . . . multiple websites are the way to go, when you’re working with multiple topics.
I do exactly that . . . I own more than 20 sites currently, and have new ones in the pipeline for the next few months. I write about, and give personal help with, a range of topics including internet-marketing and self-development/spirituality.
Even with my FaceBook presence, I find it’s much better to keep things separate. For example, my main FaceBook account is for my personal life, with old friends and relatives who I want to keep in touch with. I tried adding self-development friends there, but most of my old friends and relatives don’t want to read about the latest cutting-edge discoveries in spirituality, or obscure info on internet-marketing, so it really makes sense to keep the groups separate.
I have a separate private FaceBook Group for each of my different internet-marketing products, as newbies who use one of my products won’t want the same info as those who’ve bought one of my more advanced courses where things like the fact that people under-estimate the clustered nature of random events is essential (because it has a significant impact on what numbers will give realistic results when split-testing).
Thanks for your post 🙂
I just came across your article today…and I can say that I still have issues with focusing on one niche
I’m interested in:
* Music (piano mainly)…
* Looking at interior design blogs…
* I love reading poetry, quotes and inspiring articles.
* I also consider flower arranging…baking…food styling…or anything artsy as something
Basically I love the idea of creating something…polishing it…to perfection.
I’ve been told that I’m good at motivating people (it’s funny because I’m not good at motivating myself)… I’m a thinker…I love to analyze. I’m fascinated with children…and anything adorable. I love to talk about ‘deep’ stuffs…some say I’m an old soul… I love articles about health, personal growth, etc. Very future-oriented I long to be a cultured and well-rounded person I’m introverted and I want a career that’s fulfilling…a career that expresses my values, beliefs, passion, talents, ideals.
I want a career that defines who I am as a person…basically as a tool of self-expression…
Well, Jane, I can see why, after reading a few of your articles why you are passionate about many areas life you could write about.
I also appreciate your points in
“The pros and cons of running multiple websites/businesses.”
I too have several writing passions. Audiobooks creation, Technology, podcasting, Musicians & artists (music), Poetry, food, and ethics in culture.
I have found that for the most part, over the past two year, I have focused on the musician awareness/ promotion side of things because I so enjoy the leading artists’ music I write about at the website. (Photos https://pocbooks.com/musician-colors-in-musical-instruments-and-voice/ ) Meanwhile, I continue to write 1 article at least once a month on my other passions. Hey, keep up your good work Jane!
Definitely but most of the people, they have many things that they’re passionate about and focus is very important in everything.
Hello Jane, I think multiple websites are okay until we know what we are doing and how we are facing the challenges like time management and investment of money. If we are okay with these and really passionate about the multiple businesses, we are good to go. Thank you for sharing this article.
Hi, a multi-passionate here. Choosing a career path is not an easy thing to do. I know it from my own experience. But it is an exciting journey.
I think working on a single niche is far better than working on multi-niche sites. Because Focusing a single niche make it easy and work better.
It was great reading your post.
You might want to check out these two courses.
Hi, a multi-passionate here. Choosing a career path is not an easy thing to do. I know it from my own experience. But it is an exciting journey.