
3 Qualities of successful entrepreneurs and bloggers

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Want to be one of those successful entrepreneurs? I hear your mind voice.

Who doesn’t want to succeed in whatever they do? After all success stories are magnetic.

Blogging is not an exception in having the entrepreneurial spirit to succeed; and with blogging, every blogger wants fast success!

That’s quite reasonable and totally a valid expectation. A faster blogging and entrepreneurial success is possible.

You don’t always have to wait for months together before you could start seeing the results!

In this post I am going to discuss 3 very crucial, very basic yet highly ignored aspects every blogger should possess in order to be successful!

Let me dive straight in.

Be a constant learner to become a successful entrepreneur

You know, this whole entrepreneurial thing is really a challenge. You have lots of stuff to figure out every day and at every moment if you’re a blogger.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Challenges for an entrepreneur come in all sizes and shapes.” quote=”Challenges for an entrepreneur come in all sizes and shapes.” theme=”style4″]

Successful entrepreneurs remember that everything is fixable; their entrepreneurial spirit tells them that every problem has a solution and every obstacle has a way out.

When you start out as a newbie, there are all those little and big things that you are not aware of.

There are things that are too technical for you. There are things that you don’t seem to understand but is really crucial.

When you start to have this feeling, and when you see that every other blogger possess a knowledge or awareness about that thing, you feel that you are left out.

You feel that you are running last to the finish line. In this context, even the success stories of other entrepreneurs may even put you down, instead of cheering you up.

If you let yourself immerse in this feeling, you will be totally lost and you will be left behind for real.

You will never join the successful entrepreneurs list who have that rocking entrepreneurial spirit (sorry for the harsh, bitter statement).

But wait – here’s THE solution.

If you want to be one of those successful entrepreneurs, be a constant learner. There’s so much out there that needs to be learned.

Do not feel overwhelmed though! You don’t have to overload yourself with information.

Just keep yourself updated on what’s what.

If there’s something technologically challenging, my recommendation is that you learn how to figure it out yourself – trust me this helps a LOT in the long term.

Of course you don’t have to tackle it yourself; you can choose to outsource that dirty/boring task. But it is important that you know stuff about it.

This not only applies to the technological challenges but just about with anything when it comes to blogging.

You might have a team to help you, or you could be a one man (or woman) army and outsource stuff occasionally.

In any case, educate yourself on the topic so that you don’t get fooled by circumstances or people!

Be an unbeatable fighter if you want to write success stories

Haters are gonna hate always. There will be times where you’d feel that the whole world is against you.

You might want to quit sometimes because you are not seeing any progress with your business whatsoever!

There will be times where you feel like running into circles – you’d put lots of effort, ahem, blood and sweat into your projects religiously but you don’t seem to get any progress.

These times are not uncommon in the life of an entrepreneur.

[clickToTweet tweet=”All you need is THAT entrepreneurial spirit that wants you to be strong when you see plateaus” quote=”All you need is THAT entrepreneurial spirit that wants you to be strong when you see plateaus” theme=”style4″]

And yes, you should prepare yourself in order to encounter all these even before you think about starting a blog.

Every blogger, no matter how successful he/she is, has traveled the same road; the same bumpy road.

You’re not alone. Just don’t lose hope.

Every day, especially towards the end of the day or during late hours when I am bit tired and can’t think, I say this to myself – I am an unbeatable fighter. It works great!

Be an active networker without losing entrepreneurial spirit

[clickToTweet tweet=”With entrepreneurship, it’s about getting the right connections” quote=”With entrepreneurship, it’s about getting the right connections” theme=”style4″]

You never know which person you connect to tomorrow will bring in the best exposure. No don’t think about networking as a waste of time.

And don’t think logging in to Facebook and “Liking” and “Posting” stuff is networking.

And don’t get overwhelmed with the idea of networking.

I know networking is scary for most bloggers just because of this overwhelm. You don’t have to jump into the sea and mingle with every fish out there.

Just appreciate those that do the hard work. Jump in to conversations to give your opinion and share your expertise.

If you know an extra tip or two and you see people asking for help on Facebook, go ahead and help them.

But do all this with a time cap. Don’t try to be a Charity Inc. with your time!

Becoming one of those successful entrepreneurs

Young successful entrepreneurs had that entrepreneurial spirit that took them a long way. Yes and that’s what made them achieve success at such a younger age.

Now before you complain that you’re not one of those successful entrepreneurs yet, sit down in calmness and analyse yourself to see if you have these 3 qualities to become a successful entrepreneur.

If you lack one or all of them, go ahead and develop these qualities.

These are worth keeping throughout your entrepreneurial journey.

And yes these qualities WILL help you to become one of those successful entrepreneurs.

Jane Sheeba

I am Jane. I am a Kindle Author. I'm A YouTuber. I'm an author at Knit India Magazine. Don't forget to check out my other websites: Do Splash and Banking Minutes.

View Comments

  • saqib razzaq says:

    I loved the "Be a Unbeatable Fighter" point most than anything because that's exactly what I have been trying to be ever since I came in blogging. Why I try to be a fighting writer? Because I am a fighting lover and I look at myself as a fighter. Awesome Post.

    • Jane Sheeba says:

      Saqib - that's so sweet. For an unbeatable fighter nothing can come in their ways :)

  • Patience is the key. Success comes to those who wait! Thanks for the tips! As always just in time!

    • Jane Sheeba says:

      Hey Evan that's right - patience is needed. But patience should be combined with action - not the idle patience :)

    • yes i am agree with you but it need hard work too.

  • Lisa Chaves says:

    I agree. Continuous improvement, constant learning process, and being optimistic about your goals are just some of a successful entrepreneur.

    • Jane Sheeba says:

      Constant learning is a must to keep with the fast evolving technology and stuff!

  • Amrik Virdi says:

    True entrepreneurs are never short of ideas. It is vital that you make the necessary checks to ensure that the web venture is genuine, so do seek advice before you part with your journey.

    -Amrik Virdi

    • Jane Sheeba says:

      That's right Amrik. True entrepreneurs are usually overwhelmed with productive ideas!

  • Hello. That's another ingenious post of Jane's. All of this is SO true. I especially agree with the part about being a fighter. Being a fighter is nowhere as important as in the case of being entrepreneurs (or online entrepreneurs) where you very often have to wait for a long time and invest a lot (mostly time) before you see the results come. This is when you either fight or give up.

    • Jane Sheeba says:

      Oh yes Olga. And that is the time sadly, most people give up!

  • But it's not so easy to be consistent in learning process, a person who is not getting success from a long time, how he can be consistent and hard working in his work?

    • Jane Sheeba says:

      Maddy, when success takes too long its not in anyone else's hands but in our own hands. That's why we need to analyze what we are doing and improvise on it. Learning is an integral part of this whole thing!

  • Many online entrepreneurs also do quit at early age mostly due to setting up unrealistic goals within a short time frame.

    • Jane Sheeba says:

      Emmanuel that's VERY true - setting unrealistic goals is becoming more common these days (and hence leads to more failures)

  • It was really impressive published article. I do personally learn in the post and also I will share it to my friends later after reviewing. Really interesting post indeed. Thanks.

  • Just aim your goals and be optimistic and calmness is the first and most important part of blogging.

    • Jane Sheeba says:

      Tayyab, that's right. Patience is a virtue :)

    • Jane Sheeba says:

      Being optimistic surely does help! Thanks for the addition Tayyab.

  • The hours are long, sacrifices are great and you are assulted with new problems and challenges every day with seemingly no end. If you don't have the constitution to weather these things, your business could implode on you faster than it started.

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