4 Tips to implement the “Write Everyday” advice

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Write everyday – as a blogger you would have heard this term a LOT!

When you read something about content marketing or creating content for your blog, you will most probably hear this piece of advice “write everyday”.

I am a strong believer of this advice and have insisted this on many of my content pieces.

I also strongly suggest my consultation clients to write every day in order to master the art of content creation – and in general, master it as a task.

As a blogger you need to create a lot of content on a day to-day basis – blog posts for your blog(s), email newsletters, the regular emails you write for your clients and connections (I write responses to a lot of support tickets), social media updates, content for your products, sales pages and so on.

Writing is something that forms an inevitable part in any bloggers’ routine.

Even if you do not publish text based blog posts a lot (and say, publish videos), you still need to write a lot of content for video scripts!

I know many bloggers even hate writing but still “have to” write any way. Some even quit blogging (true story) because “there’s so much writing involved”.

So as a blogger, when you are frustrated and unable to keep up with content creation, and when you look for advice to help you in this direction, you always come across this piece of advice – Write Everyday.

And I tell you, many bloggers scare away seeing this one piece of advice.

For sure, they understand how important and helpful it is to write everyday. But still, it is not an easy-peasy piece of advice to follow, right?

Many bloggers simply start to follow the advice and pretty soon give up because they are not able to keep up no matter what.

So here are 4 tips to help you implement this most important writing tip (“write everyday”).

Just a quick note – you might want to grab my content creation course to start creating great content for your blog!

Set small, realistic goals

The key piece of advice I’d give you in this direction is to keep your goals manageable.

When bloggers are looking out for advice to help them with writing, they are usually in an enthusiastic state.

And when they hear the advice “write everyday” they feel so excited (there’s nothing wrong with being excited) – and simply set a big, hairy goal.

And they end up struggling being able to keep up, simply because, their goal is big.

Not just with writing, but with anything, setting a big goal will usually make you jump off the wagon. Because it is harder to keep up rather than a small, manageable goal.

Think about it – as a blogger, when you start to implement the “write everyday” advice which is easier for you?

Writing 1000 words per day or 100 words per day?

100 words per day looks a lot easier, right? In fact I started with writing 100 words a day.

It seemed like nothing to start with. And it felt great when I hit that goal everyday.

You know what? When you start something new to do on a regular basis, you must make it easier for you.

And doing so has two benefits – first of all you will be able to “keep up” with the goal for a long time (which is highly crucial to build up a habit).

Second, this will keep you motivated. So when you keep on achieving your goal for a long stretch, it gives you enough motivation to keep doing the same.

If you miss a day, and then two days and then three days in a row, you will easily get demotivated and eventually will just stop doing it.

So it is very important that you keep your motivation up until you build the habit – and having small, realistic goals help you build the habit.

And it is a great feeling to be able to tell yourself that you’ve did it for today, isn’t?

Don’t forget your “why”

This is a simple thing to do yet most bloggers totally forget it.

Just remember one thing – the answer to this question: Why do you do what you do?

The “why” is so powerful and it is a great fuel to help you keep going.

If you exactly remember your why and remind yourself often with it, it will be very easy for you to stay on track and keep going with your goal (of writing everyday).

When life gets in your way, or when you feel like skipping it “just this once” your “why” will stop you right there and will help you to do it no matter how hard it might seem!

This is a very simple tip. But it is so powerful! Just try it.

Have a system in place

Writing everyday is a serious goal. If done on a consistent basis for a long run, you can reap juicy benefits.

But the plain fact remains that it is not as easy as it sounds (which is why I am writing this post to help you implement that advice).

One thing that will help you with getting it done as a task is have a system in place.

It is very important that you use one or a handful of tools to get this done.

You will need to look at the big picture and decide for yourself on the tools you need.

For instance, you will need a tool like Evernote to capture blog post ideas. You will need a tool like Scrivener to write blog posts.

You will need a timer. You might need a tool like Pacemaker to keep track of your writing. And so on.

Apart from tools, you need a system in place. Tools are part of the system, but not the system as a whole.

You will need a system – a structured set of tasks/behaviour that will help you do this everyday.

With a system in place you won’t feel like doing something big everyday.

So before you jump in and start with your “write everyday” challenge, make sure you devise a system in place.

Obviously you will have to find a system that “works for you” – everyone’s way of working is different!

Have a running list of ideas

Well, this sounds like the most obvious tip of all. You certainly knew it already, right? But do you follow it?

Do you have a running list of ideas? Especially all your ideas in ONE PLACE?

When you are into writing everyday, the biggest hurdle is to get started. And in order to just start writing when you are ready, you must have a topic ready to write.

Sitting down to write and then wondering what to write about will put the biggest obstacle your way.

And if that’s the case, you won’t be able to keep up with writing everyday!

Just rule out this possibility and you will instantly increase your chance of succeeding with writing everyday.

I use Evernote to keep all my ideas in one place.

Remember, ideas come to you at various and usually awkward times – like while you are in the shower, or shopping or taking a walk and so on.

Just make sure you use a tool or a method to capture ideas no matter when and where they occur to you.

If an idea occurs to you while you drive, it will be impossible for you to write it down. In that case you might want to talk it to your phone and record it.

Evernote has the option of having an audio note.

Also if a particular infographic or a piece of content inspires you to write a blog post you might also add a picture of it to your note as a reference in Evernote.

No matter what tool(s) you use, just have a big list of ideas (idea bank).

This way you can just pick up any idea from the bank and start writing when you sit down to write!

There you go! If you’ve been wondering how to write everyday

It can be frustrating to repeatedly hear this piece of advice to write every day no matter what!

Apart from being a writer, we play various other roles in life. And we get too busy trying to cope up with everything!

That can be really overwhelming and your writing might seem to never fit in in the midst of the chaos.

But here are 4 simple tips to help you stick to writing everyday. Following these tips can help you have a lot of concrete stuff done for your business on a regular basis.

Don’t forget to grab my content creation course and start creating great content for your blog on a regular basis!

Jane Sheeba

I am Jane. I am a Kindle Author. I'm A YouTuber. I'm an author at Knit India Magazine. Don't forget to check out my other websites: Do Splash and Banking Minutes.

View Comments

  • Susan Velez says:

    Hi Jane,

    Great tips and I totally agree with you about making it a habit to write everyday. I love writing and I make it a point to write at least 1,000 words each and everyday.

    Like you said there's always something to write for, even if it isn't for our blog. I have to admit, I neglect my email autoresponders and need to spend more time writing for those.

    I find it extremely easy for me to always jot down my blog headlines as I think about them. Usually, I'll spend some time each and every month going through my analytics to see which blog posts were popular.

    Then I'll come up with some new blog topics based on my popular posts and write them down for future use. I use Google Drive to help me stay organized and know what I'll be writing when I get in front of my computer.

    I've never used Scrivener to write my blog posts, I'll have to check it out to see if it helps me become more efficient.

    Thanks for sharing these tips with us, have a great day Jane :)


    • Hey Susan,

      Yes as bloggers we have lots of stuff to write and writing everyday is the only way to keep up - as I see it. Plus writing everyday has a lot of benefits which I love.

      Scrivener is a great tool - I must say that it kicks me everyday with this goal and helps me stay consistent (plus distraction free).

      Thanks for stopping by.


  • Susan Velez says:

    Hi Jane,

    Great tips and I totally agree with you about making it a habit to write everyday. I love writing and I make it a point to write at least 1,000 words each and everyday.

    Like you said there's always something to write for, even if it isn't for our blog. I have to admit, I neglect my email autoresponders and need to spend more time writing for those.

    I find it extremely easy for me to always jot down my blog headlines as I think about them. Usually, I'll spend some time each and every month going through my analytics to see which blog posts were popular.

    Then I'll come up with some new blog topics based on my popular posts and write them down for future use. I use Google Drive to help me stay organized and know what I'll be writing when I get in front of my computer.

    I've never used Scrivener to write my blog posts, I'll have to check it out to see if it helps me become more efficient.

    Thanks for sharing these tips with us, have a great day Jane :)


    • Hey Susan,

      Yes as bloggers we have lots of stuff to write and writing everyday is the only way to keep up - as I see it. Plus writing everyday has a lot of benefits which I love.

      Scrivener is a great tool - I must say that it kicks me everyday with this goal and helps me stay consistent (plus distraction free).

      Thanks for stopping by.


  • Lisa Sicard says:

    Hi Jane, this is something I'm trying to do daily even if it's just 400 words so it can really become a habit.
    I love your idea of the timer, that is something I really want to try out.
    I've never used the tools you mentioned here but I've heard of evernote a lot. It seems to work for many bloggers. I may have to check it out again.
    Thanks for these tips Jane.

    • Hey Lisa,

      Yes - the word count doesn't matter. It is good to have a daily goal, but even if you can't hit the goal every day, any amount of writing is still writing.

      The mere fact that you managed to write X number of words in a day is enough to keep you motivated for the next day!

      Thanks for stopping by.


  • Lisa Sicard says:

    Hi Jane, this is something I'm trying to do daily even if it's just 400 words so it can really become a habit.
    I love your idea of the timer, that is something I really want to try out.
    I've never used the tools you mentioned here but I've heard of evernote a lot. It seems to work for many bloggers. I may have to check it out again.
    Thanks for these tips Jane.

    • Hey Lisa,

      Yes - the word count doesn't matter. It is good to have a daily goal, but even if you can't hit the goal every day, any amount of writing is still writing.

      The mere fact that you managed to write X number of words in a day is enough to keep you motivated for the next day!

      Thanks for stopping by.


  • Hi Jane,

    I agree with you. Every day blogging is useful in several ways. I am trying to write almost every days, but what to write was my problem. Now you guided me with the solution.

    Thank you.

    Have you a wonderful week ahead.

    • Hey Manoj,

      Happy to help! Good luck with writing everyday :)

      Thanks for your comment.


  • Hi Jane,

    I agree with you. Every day blogging is useful in several ways. I am trying to write almost every days, but what to write was my problem. Now you guided me with the solution.

    Thank you.

    Have you a wonderful week ahead.

    • Hey Manoj,

      Happy to help! Good luck with writing everyday :)

      Thanks for your comment.


  • Hi Jane,

    Since 2015 when I started blogging , I always thought of writing one article or blog post a day or at least 3 a week.

    But due to several reasons like blog post ideas/topics, not concentrating on content while writing, not regular, not passionate such things held me back.

    After reading this well crafted article on this interesting topic, I think I can do much better now.

    Thanks for sharing this beautiful lost.

  • Hi Jane,

    Since 2015 when I started blogging , I always thought of writing one article or blog post a day or at least 3 a week.

    But due to several reasons like blog post ideas/topics, not concentrating on content while writing, not regular, not passionate such things held me back.

    After reading this well crafted article on this interesting topic, I think I can do much better now.

    Thanks for sharing this beautiful lost.

  • Tanyi Melvis Bechemnyo says:

    Hi Jane

    As a part-time blogger, I'm of those who struggle to write every day. So this post comes in handy. And I love the idea of setting small goals instead of big ones.

    Thank you so much

  • Tanyi Melvis Bechemnyo says:

    Hi Jane

    As a part-time blogger, I'm of those who struggle to write every day. So this post comes in handy. And I love the idea of setting small goals instead of big ones.

    Thank you so much

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