Content Marketing

How to improve your writing skills as a blogger?

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Blogging involves a lot of writing. And it is not just enough if you write to keep up with your content requirements in terms of word count.

You also need to keep up with your content requirements also in terms of quality of writing.

In fact, more than how much you write, how good your writing is matters a lot!

You cannot keep going with mediocre content. That will seriously damage your business.

You need to improve your writing skills everyday and become a better blogger.

Writing is a skill that every blogger needs to master. And with regular practise and with the use of tips I share in this blog post, it is totally doable!

So how to improve your writing skills and become a better blogger?

Let’s dive right in!

#1 Write everyday

Writing everyday is something that you could have repeatedly heard when it comes to writing advice.

Your writing mind is just like any other muscle in your body.

The more you train in (regularly) the stronger it becomes.

And over the time, even the toughest things will seem easy to that muscle.

You do this to your ab or thigh muscle by exercising regularly – either everyday or at least 5 days a week.

Similarly you can exercise your writing muscle by writing everyday – its that simple.

But I totally understand that it is easier said than done – most people never get this done, right?

If you are one of them, I am talking to you right now!

Everybody is busy. We all have different things crossing our writing schedule all the time.

Right from a beep notification on your phone, to some major change in your life – anything can come in between.

But it is YOU who has to decide to prioritise things!

And if you are serious about your business you WILL prioritise – no matter what comes in between you and writing, you will choose to get your daily dose of writing done before you can get distracted or get busy.

That’s the secret to writing everyday. Just write no matter what.

Set a daily word count goal – and have a system in place to track this (as I talked about this in this post).

I use the Writeometer app to track my daily word count. You could use something else like Pacemaker which I’m trying alongside right now and find promising.

The key is to hit this word count everyday no matter what.

If you fall off the wagon for a day or two, just catch up the following day for the lost word count and keep going.

I personally have a minimum of 1500 words per day – but most days I end up writing 3000 words or more.

If I fall sick or if my kids get in the way on some days, I catch up the following day.

With regular writing, you will get a lot of content under your belt – so you can be a happy blogger minus the content creation stress.

#2 Give yourself permission to get creative

Improving your writing skill is all about getting creative I would say. Rigid, formal writing is good.

But it also gets boring over the time.

You need to get creative in order to keep yourself interested in the process of writing.

You need to get creative in order to keep your audience engaged.

You need to get creative in order to improve writing skills.

Creativity goes a long way to keep your business alive.

Some bloggers restrict themselves to a strict writing style or a voice. Please don’t do that.

Get creative and get in the game. Change your writing style if you feel so.

By giving yourself permission to be creative you not only get better at writing, but you also step up in the game where your competitors are moving fast.

#3 Read a lot in your niche

In order to improve your writing skills as a blogger, you need to be a good reader. You need to read regularly.

When I say reading, it not just includes reading other blogs – of course that kind of reading is important too!

By doing blog hopping regularly, you get a chance to keep up with the up-to-date information in your niche. You get to see what your competitors are writing about – and you can catch up with publishing up-to-date content.

You also get a chance to observe and learn from your competitors – their writing style, the type of content they cover and much more.

You get a chance to build relationship with other bloggers and their audience via blog commenting and guest posting.

When you read books – Kindle or real books – either in your niche, or completely outside of your niche, you get a whole lot of knowledge about writing and writing styles.

You can get inspired! That’s how I roll.

#4 Write guest blog posts to improve writing skills

Writing and publishing guest posts has a whole lot of benefits.

Apart from getting your brand out there, and apart from being able to build rapport with bloggers, you will certainly improve your writing skills when you start writing guest posts.

When you write for an authority blog, you naturally become very careful with your writing.

You become more cautious about making grammar mistakes – you include statistics and facts very carefully.

You aim to improve your writing style.

Challenge yourself to write and publish a few guest posts every year and see how your writing improves naturally!

#5 Challenge yourself to improve every day

This is yet another thing that I regularly tell my readers to follow.

And this not only applies to writing but with anything related to life that you want to improve.

Rather than comparing yourself with others and getting depressed, compare yourself with yourself.

How much of writing did you do yesterday? Try to beat that today.

How many blog posts have you published last quarter. Beat that record this quarter.

How many guest blog posts were you able to publish last year? Target to publish more than that this year.

Improve yourself every day. Improve with word count, published blog posts, writing style, published products and the like.

This kind of challenge will surely help you improve and move forward.

#6 Practice writing outside your niche

This is my final, yet very crucial tip. I’m sure you will be thinking this is not a very important tip.

But trust me it is.

Practice writing outside your niche and see how your writing improves!

You don’t have to publish your writing. In fact many bloggers won’t have an outlet to publish things they write outside of their niche.

But you can certainly do this solely for the purpose of improving your writing skills.

You can maintain a private blog and keep this kind of writing in it.

Or you can use a website like Or you can keep a folder on your computer dedicated for this purpose and keep your writings there.

Set aside time every week (every day will be overkill), and allow yourself to write on a topic that’s totally outside your niche – totally outside your business.

For inspiration, you can browse magazines or discussions in Quora (outside your niche).

You could also turn to Kindle books and browse through random topics to get inspired.

#7 Take up my content writing course

You want to improve your writing skills as a blogger, right? You want to create killer content for your business on a regular basis just like the pros do.

Not just with improving your writing – but improving it in alignment with your readers’ requirements and your business needs – so you create content builds rapport and converts.

This is super important in my opinion.

No matter how great your content is, if it fails to be useful to your readers, or if it doesn’t align with your business goals, your content creation efforts go wasted.

So take up the course right away and improve your writing skills as a blogger.

Improve your writing skills right now and blog better!

I repeat – blogging involves a lot of writing. Even if you don’t necessarily write and publish text type blog posts, you will still need to write a lot.

Examples include – your regular text blog posts, newsletter content, sales page content, content for free and premium products for your business, video scripts and much more.

Note that I’ve not included social media updates, and emails that you would have to write every day no matter what!

Go get in the game, improve your writing skills and blog better.

Jane Sheeba

I am Jane. I am a Kindle Author. I'm A YouTuber. I'm an author at Knit India Magazine. Don't forget to check out my other websites: Do Splash and Banking Minutes.

View Comments

  • Jigar Patel says:

    Very helpful post for newbie, I appreciate your work Jane Sheeba. I think writing skills reveal the standard of a bloggers. Afterall, blogging is all about writing.

    • That's right Jigar! Blogging is all about writing. Thanks for stopping by!

  • Lorraine Reguly says:

    For point #1, you can also use Written? Kitten! to track your word count and make your writing experience fun!

    By the way, it is nice to meet you. I think I have only been here once before!

    I came here from Facebook when I clicked on Kimsea Sok's share of this post.

    We seem to have a lot in common!

    • Thanks for adding Written Kitten! I've heard about it but have not personally tried it. Looks promising :)

      Thanks for the visit and the comment. I highly appreciate that Lorraine :)

  • Gaurav Kumar says:

    Reading, analyzing, filtering and getting the best output should be the hobby of a professional blogger. Not only write but practice and improvement is really necessary to be successful.

    Your tips are always motivational. Thanks for sharing.

    • I'm glad you liked the tips Gaurav! Thanks for stopping by :)

  • Shamsudeen Adeshokan says:

    Hi Jane,

    #1 might be scaring to beginners - write everyday.Some might confuse it with "publish everyday".

    I explained in one of my articles that while writing every day is very useful to improve on your writing skill, it does not necessarily mean you should commit to every day hitting the publish button on your blog.

    Just write, just write some never to be published content and save as draft...who knows, they might become the best-selling information tomorrow.

    Thank you Jane, nice share.

    • That's right Shamsudeen - writing everyday is the key. But that doesn't mean you should publish every day - in fact I just advice the opposite.

      Publishing everyday may not be practically possible for a lot of entrepreneurs and such a burden is not even necessary.

      But writing everyday is necessary to keep those writing muscles in good shape!

  • Shamsudeen Adeshokan says:

    Hi Jane,

    #1 might be scaring to beginners - write everyday.Some might confuse it with "publish everyday".

    I explained in one of my articles that while writing every day is very useful to improve on your writing skill, it does not necessarily mean you should commit to every day hitting the publish button on your blog.

    Just write, just write some never to be published content and save as draft...who knows, they might become the best-selling information tomorrow.

    Thank you Jane, nice share.

    • That's right Shamsudeen - writing everyday is the key. But that doesn't mean you should publish every day - in fact I just advice the opposite.

      Publishing everyday may not be practically possible for a lot of entrepreneurs and such a burden is not even necessary.

      But writing everyday is necessary to keep those writing muscles in good shape!

  • Anil Agarwal says:

    Hi Jane,

    Great stuff and congrats on your newly launched blog. I just found you from Problogger's comment section.

    I'm loving your blog's design and content. It's really incredible.

    My two cents for better writing: write 1000 words every single day no matter what. That's how you can hone your writing skills even if English is not your first language.

    Also make sure to read great writings. Copyblogger is definitely a good start and use tools like Grammarly to find and fix your typos.

    Great share!

    • Hey Anil,

      I'm so glad you found me form the comment section of Problogger :) and glad you like the design and content :)

      Your two cents is perfect. I follow just that. I have a 1500 word limit set for each day. Sometimes I end up writing up to 3000 words.

      On days when I am sick or when I have to travel, I write what I can - but I don't let a day pass without writing.

      It certainly helps!

      Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment :)


  • Anil Agarwal says:

    Hi Jane,

    Great stuff and congrats on your newly launched blog. I just found you from Problogger's comment section.

    I'm loving your blog's design and content. It's really incredible.

    My two cents for better writing: write 1000 words every single day no matter what. That's how you can hone your writing skills even if English is not your first language.

    Also make sure to read great writings. Copyblogger is definitely a good start and use tools like Grammarly to find and fix your typos.

    Great share!

    • Hey Anil,

      I'm so glad you found me form the comment section of Problogger :) and glad you like the design and content :)

      Your two cents is perfect. I follow just that. I have a 1500 word limit set for each day. Sometimes I end up writing up to 3000 words.

      On days when I am sick or when I have to travel, I write what I can - but I don't let a day pass without writing.

      It certainly helps!

      Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment :)


  • Ravi Chahar says:

    Hey Jane,

    Writing more is the best thing to do. We all know that practice makes a man perfect. I like the idea of writing outside the niche.

    New thought would get generated. This would be a unique experience.

    Guest blogging is on the best practices to improve the writing skills. People concentrate more when they write a guest post.

    Thanks for sharing the points.

  • Ravi Chahar says:

    Hey Jane,

    Writing more is the best thing to do. We all know that practice makes a man perfect. I like the idea of writing outside the niche.

    New thought would get generated. This would be a unique experience.

    Guest blogging is on the best practices to improve the writing skills. People concentrate more when they write a guest post.

    Thanks for sharing the points.

  • Muhammad Ahmad says:

    Hi Jane,
    it's my first visit to your blog ( I landed in from a friends share at G+)
    Blog design is great, and the post is just awesome!
    I liked your writing style. In my view, writing skills grow only when you're consistent in writing.
    Inconsistency can snatch the whole experience. Be consistent and here you win the GAME!
    ~ Ahmad

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